Research groups at EDMaRC
Several research groups are affiliated to EDMaRC. Although the different groups have their own focus area, the areas covered all fall under the same EDMARC umbrella and extensive collaboration across and between the groups takes place on an ongoing basis.
In the Research Group of Reproductive Epidemiology, Testicular Function and Pathology led by Dr. Niels Jørgensen trends in and determinants of testicular function and pathology are explored through work in large-scale cohorts, epidemiological studies and laboratory investigations. Read more here.

The Almstrup Group led by Kristian Almstrup has a particular focus on studies connecting genetic and epigenetic variation to reproductive endpoints, testicular gene expression and functional studies of sperm cells. Read more here.

The hormone and endocrine disruptor laboratory group led by Anna-Maria Andersson is involved in translational research and innovation in clinical biochemistry of hormones and growth factors involved in sex differentiation, child growth, sex maturation, and adult reproductive health and in human biomonitoring of environmental chemicals potentially affecting endocrine systems. Read more here.

The group led by Anders Rehfeld conducts translational research focused on human sperm physiology. Main topics of the group are non-hormonal unisex contraception, human fertility, and human male epigenetic inheritance. Read more here.